your settings do not allow you to trade with other players

Your Settings Do Not Allow You To Trade With Other Players In Rocket League? Fixed

Rocket League, the high-octane vehicular soccer game, has captivated players worldwide with its unique blend of fast-paced gameplay and competitive spirit. Central to the game’s appeal is its trading feature, allowing players to exchange items, customize their vehicles, and enhance their in-game experience. However, a recent update from Psyonix has left many players puzzled and frustrated as they encounter difficulties in sending or receiving trade invites.

In this article, we delve into the issue of trading settings being disabled by default for many players in Rocket League, explore the common scenarios and frustrations faced by the community, and provide a step-by-step guide to resolve this issue.

Understanding the Problem:

Rocket League’s update, introduced a significant change that affected the trading functionality within the game. Without prior notification or explanation, Psyonix quietly disabled trading settings by default for a large portion of players. This move has had unintended consequences, creating confusion and hindering the trading experience for many members of the Rocket League community. Despite the outcry from players, Psyonix has remained silent on the matter, leaving users searching for solutions on their own.

Common Scenarios and Frustrations:

The repercussions of the disabled trading settings are evident in two common scenarios encountered by players attempting to engage in trades. In the first scenario, when a player attempts to send a trade invite with their trading setting turned off, they receive a cryptic error message stating, “Unable to trade — Player is currently unavailable for trades.” This message fails to pinpoint the source of the issue, leaving players perplexed and unable to rectify the problem. Similarly, in the second scenario, players may unknowingly send trade invites to others who have their trading settings disabled. In this case, no error message is displayed, leading the sender to believe that the invite was successfully sent when, in reality, it was not. This lack of feedback exacerbates the frustration felt by players attempting to engage in trading activities.

Resolving the Issue:

Fortunately, there is a straightforward solution to enable trading settings and restore functionality within Rocket League.

Players can follow these steps to ensure that their trading settings are enabled:

  • Navigate to the settings menu within Rocket League.
  • Select the “Interface” tab.
  • Locate the option labeled “Allow Player-To-Player Trading” and ensure that it is checked.

By enabling this setting, players can once again send and receive trade invites, restoring the seamless trading experience that is integral to the Rocket League community. It is essential to note that both parties involved in a trade must have this setting enabled for the transaction to proceed successfully.


In conclusion, the issue of trading settings being disabled by default in Rocket League has posed a significant challenge for players seeking to engage in trading activities. The lack of communication from Psyonix regarding this change has only exacerbated the frustration felt by the community.

However, by understanding the problem, recognising common scenarios and frustrations, and following a simple step-by-step guide to enable trading settings, players can overcome this obstacle and continue to enjoy the vibrant trading ecosystem within Rocket League.

Let us advocate for clear communication and support within the gaming community, ensuring that all players can fully participate in the experiences that make Rocket League truly special.


  • William Collins

    I'm a passionate gamer and expert gaming content writer with years of experience in the industry. I have been playing video games since I was a kid, and my love for gaming has only grown stronger over time. My expertise extends to a wide range of genres and platforms, from classic console games to the latest VR experiences. I'm always up-to-date on the latest industry news and trends and deeply understand what makes a great game.

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